We've provided a selection of useful calculators below. Please note that whilst the calculators are accurate, they perform generic calculations that do not take into account your individual circumstances. They should be used as a guide only and not relied upon.
Please also note we do not store or see any of the information you input to these calculators.
Income Expenditure Calculator
Take Home Pay (£)
Pension (£)
Interest/Investment income (£)
Benefits (£)
Child maintenance (£)
Other (£)
Total Income (Monthly) (£)
Expenditure - Household
Food Shopping (£)
Mortgage/Rent (£)
Council tax (£)
Electricity/Gas/Water (£)
Phone/Mobile/Internet (£)
Other (£)
Total on Household (Monthly) (£)
Expenditure - Savings and Debts
Loan/Credit card repayments (£)
Pension (£)
Savings/Investments (£)
Life/Other insurance (£)
Other (£)
Total on Savings & Debts (Monthly) (£)
Expenditure - Leisure
Going out (£)
Alcohol/Cigarettes (£)
TV licence/Satellite etc (£)
Holidays (£)
Other (£)
Total on Leisure (Monthly) (£)
Expenditure - Children
Childcare (£)
Child maintenance (£)
Total on Children (Monthly) (£)
Expenditure - Travel
Bus/Rail Costs (£)
Car (fuel, insurance etc) (£)
Other (£)
Total on Travel (Monthly) (£)
Monthly Breakdown
This is a simple calculator to assist you in assessing your income and expenditure which only uses the information you input.
UK News
President Trump's 'America First' message takes shape, as the rest of the world begins to digest what it might mean for them and global trade.
Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds says there is no need for tariffs because the US has no goods trade deficit with the UK.
Businesses in the most distress include those in hospitality, leisure and retail, say insolvency specialists.
Your rights explained as residents and businesses count the cost of storm damage.
Businesses which boost their star ratings will have warnings attached to them - fake reviewers will be banned.