Welcome to Integrated Financial Solutions For You Ltd

We offer financial planning advice in a range of areas, including:

  • Pension Planning
    When do you want to retire and how much income will you need?
  • Life Assurance
    How much cash would your family need to maintain their lifestyle if you died prematurely?
  • Income Protection / Critical Illness Insurance
    Would you require a regular income or a cash sum if you suffered a serious illness or disability?
  • Investments/Regular Savings
    Are you making the best use of any spare capital or surplus income?
  • Mortgages
    Do you want to find a new mortgage or are you moving home?
  • Business Protection
    What would happen to your business if a key individual or shareholder died?
  • General Insurance
    Have you adequately protected your property and its contents?

UK News

Tips to make travelling as smooth as possible, whether you’re going by road, plane, train or ferry.
The department store is pushing to build rental flats as it looks for new ways to bring in money.
The Competition and Markets Authority says poor competition cost British motorists £1.6bn last year.
The chancellor will unveil a public spending hole on Monday, which speculation suggests could hit £20bn.
The plane maker has sold dozens of new jets at the Farnborough airshow, but is struggling to keep up with demand.